
Thursday 27 August 2009

Birthday Blog Candy up for grabs please scroll down for newer posts

Tis post will remain at the top of my blog until 27th August so please scroll down for newer posts.
In celebration of my birthday and my wedding anniversary in 30 days (27th August) I am offering some blog candy, I would also like to try and get 5000 hits by then which would be utterly amazing . I am also sure there are lots of blogs I have not stumbled across yet as I have only be blogging since April so it will give me an opportunity to take a look at all your fantastic and inspirational blogs. I will add another photo as soon as I can as I am still waiting for some bits to arrive.

All you need to do to enter is leave me a comment on this post, it is not a requirement to become a follower to enter but anyone that is already a follower or who becomes a follower will get a second chance and if you add a link to my candy on your blog you will get a third chance.
Closing date and time is 27th August Midnight BST
I will get one of my children to draw a winner on 28th August and will post the winners details the same day.

Thanks for looking x


  1. Julie you make the most amazing cards and what a fantastic website.

  2. A birthday and a wedding anniversary is definitely something to celebrate! I hope you get your 5,000 hits too, I am sure you will.
    It is so kind of you to offer blog candy - I will put a link on my sidebar.
    Clare xx

  3. Cor, what a huge pile of candy, Julie!! WOW! I'd love to be included in the draw pleasey weasey! Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday for the 27th, hun! I'm already a follower of your wonderful work (as you know, LOL!) and I'm off to pop you on my Candy Bar and pic-link you too! Hugs, Sem xx

  4. Fab, scrummy candy Julie! Thank you for the chance to win. I've linked to you from my sidebar and am a follower!

    Teri xx

  5. Gorgeous candy Julie and fab cards, they are beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win, I am now a follower and have added you to my candy list. Hope you have a lovely birthday and anniversary. Suzie xxx

  6. Wow! What a fab blog candy! Loads of lovely goodies! I would love to have a chance of winning it! Happy birthday and anniversary for 27th August. I don't have a blog, but I became a follower. Thanks for the chance! Izabela

  7. Happy birthday and have a great wedding anniversary! The candy looks awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Hi Julie
    Congratulations in advance for your wedding anniversary and happy birthday (also in advance)I wish you a day filled with joy and surprises.

    I'm sure you'll get your 5000 hits very soon!

    Thanks for giving us a chance to win this great blog candy!

  9. Wow- great blog!! Enter me in your drawing- and I can't wait to see more stuff on here. :)

  10. thank you 4 so many chances! i'm your follower!
    here's post

  11. Congratulations, Julie! I am a a follower and have linked to your candy in my sidebar.

  12. OH!!!Great Birthday and Anniversary Candy Julie, congratualtions in advance.....and 3 chances to win, I am so lucky....I am off to post to my sidebar. Hugs Avril xxxx

  13. I wish you all the best for your birthday and your wedding anniversary!
    I am a follower now and have posted a link in my sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

  14. Congratulations Julie. My mum's birthday was 27th August too! SO Happy Birthday and Happy Wedding Anniversary as well. I shall definitely think of you on that day!
    Great candy...and you know that I'm already a follower!
    Here's to many more blogging milestones!

  15. Julie thanks for my award, I have left something for you on my blog, to help celebrate your birthday and anniversary, LOL. Hugs Avril xxxx

  16. I thought I had already left a comment, but obviously I didn't! I am already a follower and will post a link from my blog :) VERY awesome blog candy! Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you!

  17. Wow,this is a wonderful Candy.Your Blog is very beatiful.

  18. Thanks for the chance! I love your blog, you are very inspirational :)


  19. Hey Julie! Brand new follower here and i'm totally loving your creations so far =) Thanks for doing such a great giveaway and keep up the fantastic work!!

  20. hey Julie, this is my first time to your blog, thanks for posting about the Character Cafe blog hop :)
    I love all your 3D projects and congrats on your birthday and wedding anniversary! :)

  21. Amazing candy!
    Thank you for the chance to win your fantastic candy!!!!
    Linked it on my sidebar and I'm a follower now.
    Welcome to my blog

  22. Hi there..I am about to become a follower and can't wait to check out your is my blog where I have put up a photo of your candy and a link to it.....take care

  23. Helllo.. I have just come across your blog.. I adore the little red dragon card you made back in July and I love what you have done with those candles below it :) I will click to become a follower now xx My blog is if you ever want to stop by. Lys

  24. That's awesome,grats! And here's my link to my blog :)

  25. Charlene told me about your fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance at the goodies!

  26. I don't have a blog yet, but I just became a follower for a second entry! Thanks again!

  27. Отличная конфета.Я стала вашим последователем и разместила ссылку на своём блоге.Поздравляю с днём рождения и с годовщиной свадбы!Спасибо за шанс выиграть!

  28. Thank you for the chance on your candy. I wrote about it on my candypost. Hope you'll stop by and say hi :)



Thank you for taking the time
to leave me a comment. It is much
appreciated Love Julie x