
Friday 26 August 2011

I've been given a butterfly award from Courtney

I've been given this lovely Butterfly Award by Courtney Thank you so much Courtney, if you have not come across Courtney's blog yet you must hop over to look at her projects, she is a very talented lady.

So to receive the award, I need to pass on the 'Butterfly Award' to 10 other bloggers, contact the 10 bloggers to let them know they have been given this award, and I also need to show a link to the person who gave me the 'Butterfly Award', and finally I need to answer several questions. Here goes....

Q1) Name your favorite colour?


Q2) Name your favorite song?

Wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton
or We've got tonight by Bob Seger

Q3) Name your favorite dessert?

Probably cheese and biscuits

Q4) What wizzes you off at the moment?

Schools not concentrating on educating kids properly and making big issues out of school uniform etc

Q5) Your favorite pet?

Amber and Felix my two ginger and white cats

Q6) Black or White


Q7) Your biggest fear?


Q8) Best Feature?

Ermm will have to ask my hubby that one!

Q9) Everyday attitude?

That's life

Q10) What is perfection?

Sitting drinking iced coffees in the Maldives

Q11) Guilty Pleasure?

Turkish Delight

Q12) When you're upset you?

I tend to bottle up and withdraw into myself

Now I have to pass this award onto 10 others.

I will update this post very shortly with who I nominate for this award.

Thanks for looking x

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