
Thursday 15 March 2012

Another Award - Thank you

I was recently given this lovely award by Claire Thank you so much Claire to nominate me as one of your 5, it was very unexpected but really appreciated. If you haven't already come across Claires fantastic blog click HERE

Here is what it is all about..

The Liebster Award is given to smaller bloggers who have 200 or less followers in the hope it will bring them new followers and friends.
The tradition is that it is then passed on to five other blogs to help them too.
If you want to accept the award the steps are:

1. Link back to the persons blog who gave you the award and thank them.
2. Post the award on your blog.
3. Give the award to five fellow bloggers who inspire you.
4. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know.

So I now need to nominate 5 other bloggers for this award and here are the people I have chosen

Happy Scrapper
Avril Ann

It was a very difficult decision as there are so many talented crafters out there

Thank you for the award and thank you to everyone that follows me too

Thanks for looking x


Thank you for taking the time
to leave me a comment. It is much
appreciated Love Julie x