
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Some news to share about Pennys Paper Crafty Challenge Blog

Sadly our wonderful design team coordinator Courtney over at Pennys Paper Crafty Challenge Blog has decided to step down as she is really busy working on her new business venture and has decided she does not have enough time to give 100% commitment to our challenge blog.  This fortnights challenge will be her last, we are really sorry to see you go Courtney, you will be greatly missed and we all wish you the very best in your new business venture, don't forget to stay in touch!

In order to keep the blog going I have agreed to takeover the running of our Challenge Blog and hope I can step into the role without too many hiccups.  I officially take over from our next fortnightly challenge on 9th May,  it would be great if any of my followers could hop over and give me some support for my 1st challenge post.

Thanks for looking x

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Julie, and good luck! I am sure you will be fine! Judy x


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to leave me a comment. It is much
appreciated Love Julie x